Easter Series | Part 5: The Last Meal | Peace, Proof, and Praise

Easter Series | Part 5: The Last Meal | Peace, Proof, and Praise
Welcome to Part 5 of our Big Apple Church Easter series, "The Last Meal," taking place on April 21st. Dive into Luke 24:36-53, where Jesus confronts the doubts of His disciples with a poignant question, "Why do doubts rise in your minds?" πŸ€” In this episode, we explore the moments of peace, proof, and praise that define the post-resurrection encounters with Christ. 🌟

Following His resurrection, Jesus appears to His followers, offering them peace πŸ•ŠοΈ and showing His wounds as proof of His physical resurrection. He shares a meal with them, reinforcing His real presence and setting the stage for His final teachings and ascension. This passage encapsulates the joy and amazement of the disciples as they move from doubt to faith, understanding the Scriptures as never before. πŸ“–πŸ”₯

Join us as we reflect on these powerful themes, understanding how Jesus' peace can calm our doubts, His proof can solidify our faith, and His praise can inspire our lives. This session is not just a recount of biblical events; it's an invitation to experience the transformative power of Christ's final interactions on earth. πŸŒπŸ’«

Don't miss this enriching part of our Easter series. Like, share, and subscribe for more insights and live discussions that bring the Scriptures to life in the heart of the Big Apple. πŸŽπŸ™Œ