Easter Series | Part 4: Faith On Fire – EDGE Ministry

Easter Series | Part 4: Faith On Fire – EDGE Ministry
Join us on April 14th for the fourth installment of our Big Apple Church Easter series, "Faith on Fire," specially led by the EDGE Ministry. This session delves into Luke 24:25-35, where the hearts of Jesus' followers burn within them as they come to understand the Scriptures and the nature of His resurrection.

In this episode, we explore the transformative power of faith that ignites when engaged with the true spirit of the Gospel. Our EDGE Ministry will guide us through how single and unmarried members of our community can harness this fiery faith in their daily lives, fostering a deeper connection with God and each other.

Expect a dynamic session filled with insightful teachings, engaging discussions, and personal reflections that aim to kindle a vibrant and enduring faith. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth, fellowship, or a renewed sense of purpose, this part of our series is designed to light up your spiritual journey.

Don't miss out on this powerful exploration of faith in action. Like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with our Easter series and more empowering content from the Big Apple Church.