Introducing a “Season of Giving”

Instead of trying to collect our annual Special Contribution on one day (as we have for decades), we are now embracing a 2024 Season of Giving from June 9 to August 31. Please feel free to donate your gift at anytime during this window. Our prayer is that every disciple would participate and together we would glorify God through our faith-filled sacrifice.


We are pleased to announce that the annual Special Contribution for The New York City Church of Christ will be collected throughout June to August 2024. The Congregational Leadership Group has decided to use the 2024 Special Contribution collection to fund the most significant projects of merit for the NYCCOC. These projects are as follows: International and U.S. mission programs and church plantings in Africa, the Caribbean, and Upstate New York, as well as NYC Internships and Ministry Training, Strength in Weakness Ministry and others as the need is determined; One week’s contribution for the weekly budget; and finally, any remaining funds will be allocated to the general operations of The New York City Church of Christ. Your generosity and sacrifice throughout the years is deeply appreciated. We know that God will bless our giving for the 2024 Special Contribution.


As of August 28, 2024, 45% of the NYC Church of Christ families have given $1,053,743 of our $1,197,030 goal! We are almost there!